The Learning/Teaching/Training activities took place in Spain, Guadalajara, between 22-26 May 2023.
The 5 days of intensive training happen in an important phase of content development. The EUcare4.0 training modules, English version, are already in draft form, and ready for group work and examination. All modules were presented by the participants from the respective responsible partner, discussed, analyzed, and brainstormed with all the participants for fine-tuning and improvements. R3/A2, EUcare4.0 trainer guidelines were in an early stage, and the task leader,
OAMGMAMR, proposed and brainstormed several ideas and tested some training methods, mostly informal and non-formal, with the participants.
The work on the EUcare4.0 e-learning space started, so the LTTA was a good opportunity for the task leader, UC3M, to present its idea about the possible development of the e-learning space and to get feedback and find out new ideas and suggestions from the LTTA participants.